An Open Heart Is A Happy Heart

Greetings, yogis!

The number one reason I hear from people as to why they won’t take a yoga class is as follows: I can’t do yoga.
I would like to challenge anyone who might currently hold that view. You CAN do yoga. Yoga isn’t just for girls. Or vegans. Or thin people. Yoga is for everyone. Yoga isn’t a 45 minute class. Yoga is a daily journey… a journey seeking a healthier body, a more loving spirit, and a more calm self.

Now, let’s be real for a moment. I started practicing yoga two years ago as a required P.E. course at college. My attitude on day one was very similar to my tin man friend…


And not too unlike this girl…


But guess what! I went back the next day. And the next day. And the next day… and it became a part of my life. Where I once felt like a stiff, unbalanced mess, I began to feel relaxation and refreshment. A year later, I taught a recreational yoga class at my school. The best part about teaching yoga was learning from my students. Each day, I came prepared with a lesson and blessing for my students, but the love these friends radiated during our sessions helped teach me something new every day!

I say all this to say that yoga is forever and always an ongoing process. As you practice yoga, you discover new things about your body and your mind. All it takes is a willingness to start with an open heart. Be open to discovering the amazing blessing that is a group of friends practicing yoga together and falling over and laughing and getting back up again. Yoga has taught me many things, but the number one thing is this: an open heart is a happy heart.

Allow yourself to open up your heart in yoga. You might even find that it’ll make you smile a little bit bigger 🙂

Eventually, you will find yourself doing things you never could have imagined doing…

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So go ahead! Flip your life upside down and give yoga a try!

(P.S. I recommend following Rachel Brathen on Instagram @YogaGirl… she is SUCH an encourager and truly embodies all that yoga is about. Check it out!)


How often do you give thanks for your present circumstances – good and bad? All too often, I find myself guilty of overlooking the blessings in my life and simultaneously dwelling on my hardships.

Gratitude is defined as “the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”
Gratitude is the cornerstone of contentment. Striving to have an open heart and welcoming thankfulness into your life will foster a spirit of contentment.

As we learn to appreciate each small gift in our lives… whether it is a big promotion or simply a sunny day, we shift our focus to the many things we have to be thankful for. Even on “bad” days, we can find some hint of positivity if we look hard enough. Spending time and energy digging through our tough experiences in the hopes of discovering a lesson learned can truly flip the way you view your life. When we are determined to be appreciative for each day, we grow within ourselves a spirit of gratitude.

Gratitude is contagious! A grateful person cannot help but live graciously and share this precious gift with others. Here is where The Giving Keys comes in.

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Founded by Caitlin Crosby (follow her on Instagram @CaitlinCrosby… talk about a daily dose of motivation – she’s great!), The Giving Keys is a Pay It Forward initiative. The roots of the organization are outlined on its website:

It started with a New York hotel room key. The Giving Keys founder, actress and singer/songwriter, Caitlin Crosby, wore the key as a necklace and had the idea to start engraving old, used keys with inspirational words. Realizing that in a way we are all like these keys – unique, flawed, scarred, and at risk of being discarded – she wanted these keys to have their purpose renewed over and over again. Their message is yours for a time, but once they’ve served their purpose with you, pay it forward to inspire another.

I’ve recently purchased my own giving key with the term “grateful” engraved on it. Throughout this year, I hope to spend each day seeking an attitude of thankfulness and striving for the message on my key. When the time comes, I look forward to sharing this key with someone else. This organization has a wonderful message with a wonderful CEO, and I cannot think of a better daily reminder to aspire to a life filled with gratitude than my key.


I encourage you to look into purchasing your own key and beginning your own path to self betterment and contentment today 🙂