
Adolescents are constantly told to fit inside the mold. Think inside the box. Stick to the status quo. Be un-unique. Conform.

Let’s now think about what the world would be like if it encouraged exactly the opposite. Break the mold. Think outside the box. Challenge the status quo. Be unique. Don’t conform.

I kind of like what I see when I picture that kind of world. Of course we are all slightly different, but each day, society tells us to be more and more like one another. I think our unique traits and quirks make us interesting. I always find conversations with those who are dissimilar to me to be the most interesting conversations. I usually get more from those relationships, too.

How can we expect ourselves to grow and develop as intelligent, experienced people if we do not expose ourselves to people with different views and attitudes from our own? Coming into contact with people whose personalities vary from ours will challenge us. It will make us stop and think why do I think and feel what I do? If that won’t make you evaluate yourself and your views, helping sharpen your reasons for believing what you do, I’m not sure what will.

Now, this clip serves as an excellent example of conformity (and how we all do it!).


Take time today to celebrate our differences. It’s what keeps life interesting.

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