Seek Excitedly

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Quite the trek, huh?? Well, this will be my journey on May 12. I will be heading up north for an internship during the summer! I will be living with my roommate from college in New Jersey and commuting to New York City each weekday. It’s such an exciting time in my life!

What is new and exciting for you? Maybe you have a new love interest (oo la la!) or maybe you just landed a job, too! Or maybe you’re thinking there really isn’t anything exciting happening for me right now…

There’s nothing wrong with remaining stagnant sometimes. Being static and still and thriving where you are is a good thing. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But if you are really wanting something more or something different, or maybe even just a change of scenery, don’t lose heart when you can’t seem to find something to match your wants.

At the beginning of this school year, I was pretty disheartened about my options for summer work. It seemed to me that every internship I applied to required that I know someone or somehow have a connection. I related to this comic on a spiritual level…


All jokes aside, the job market is tough. I understood that going in. I found myself texting, calling, and emailing anyone and everyone asking if they knew of any opportunities. Finally an option presented itself, and I am glad it did! It will be an exciting time to intern with this company in NYC.

I share my story to say that sometimes life is hard. Were there days I thought I would probably end up jobless? Sure. Did I want to just throw my hands up and quit sometimes? You know it. But I promise you this… If you fight those negative voices, good things can happen. Really, really good things. Things you weren’t even hoping for or expecting!

With all of this being said, I encourage you to seek excitedly something fantastic. Never sell your dreams short. Who knows where you may end up if you throw your whole heart into your journey to finding something new! 🙂