Remember Why

What is life if we do not strive toward something? I can imagine nothing worse than simply going through the motions each day. I want each day to be an adventure, a window to new opportunities. The following quote says it best…

Don’t live the same day 75 years in a row and call it a life.

Each day, we follow a routine. Routine is great, and structure is necessarily for productivity. But I encourage you not to get so wound up in following a regimen that you lose sight of your goals.

Each day, you get up for work. Do you remember why you took this job, though?

Each day, you ride the public transportation system. Do you remember why you chose to commute?

Keeping your eye on the goal is key. As soon as you forget why you’re doing what you’re doing, you’ve lost your purpose. Remind yourself daily.

When you forget what your motivation is, you begin to stop feeling an urgency to try, to strive, to push. This trying and striving and pushing is what makes us people who have drive. We cannot forget why we do what we do. The very moment we do, we begin to lose the spark. We as human need that spark to keep life exciting and interesting.

I think Michael Jordan summed this idea up pretty well in his short article called “I Can’t Accept Not Trying.”  (I encourage you to take five minutes and give it a read.)

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Chanel your inner MJ today. Visualize where you want to be. Focus on getting there. 🙂