Run, Forest, Run

Running. What a fun way to get outside and enjoy the beautiful world around us!
Now, there were probably two different reactions to that first sentence: 1) YES RUNNING IS WONDERFUL, or 2) ARE YOU INSANE

I can relate to both responses. In high school, I was the kid who cried during the timed mile, all the while thinking when will this pain end????  I came to college in the Fall of 2012. I decided to make a new name for myself and become a runner. I joined my university’s running club, and I signed up for a half marathon that would happen 3 months later. I called my mother to tell her my exciting news, and she laughed at me! (I don’t blame her; I wouldn’t have believed me either)

My newfound determination quickly turned to regret and exhaustion as training started. The first day of practice, my coach told us to run 2-5 miles at our own comfortable pace. Two miles?? Is she crazy?? I could barely walk here without losing my breath! 30 minutes and several achey muscles later, I finished my first 2 mile run. As I headed home, the sense of accomplishment I felt made me think this just might be worth it.

After 3 months of training, I ran my first race ever – a half marathon! I finished in 2 hours, at a pace of 9:00/mile. My dad and friends came to support me, and I have been hooked ever since. I share my personal story to say that everyone can be a runner. I never in a million years would have thought that I could do a 13.1 mile race. But I did! And I have now completed 3 of these races, and I have never once regretted my decision to run.

It is possible to run with a smile on your face, I promise :)

It is possible to run with a smile on your face, I promise 🙂

Running can be a great way to destress. It gives you time to think and reflect on your day and present circumstances. Running has been scientifically proven to have positive psychological benefits. However, at the end of a race, I channel my inner Forest Gump and happily say “I think I’ll go home now.”